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Naraplje - Kerješetov vrh

Starting point: Naraplje (253 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.32259°N 15.76316°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 337 m
Altitude difference (by path): 365 m
Views: 155
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 46
Access to starting point:
A) We leave Štajerska highway at exit Slovenska Bistrica - jug, and then we follow the road towards Poljčane, and from there towards Makole, Majšperk and Ptuj. At the end of Majšperk at the roundabout we go to the exit in the direction of Žetale and Jurovci. We continue on the main road to the settlement Stanečka vas and a little further. At the end of the settlement Stanečka vas we continue right towards Žetale and Naraplje. Further, we quickly get to Naraplje, and on the road we drive to the center of the settlement, where we park on a parking lot by the sports field and by hiking signposts.
B) We leave Podravska highway at exit Lancova vas, and then we follow the signs for Podlehnik and Jurovci. At the end of the settlement Tržec at the roundabout we go right towards Jurovci and further we drive towards Majšperk. In the settlement Stogovci we turn left towards Žetale and we quickly get to the settlement Naraplje, and we drive to the center of the settlement, where we park on a parking lot by hiking signposts and sports field.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on the path towards Jelovice and Donačka gora, so that we at first walk on the road, on which we came to the starting point, and still before crossing the stream and before the bus stop we go left (unmarked) on a meadow, through which we ascend to the edge of the forest, where marked cart track appears.
Poorly beaten cart track ascends diagonally towards the right and soon changes into at first a quite steep footpath. Higher, we get to holiday cottages, by which we ascend to an asphalt road, where we go left. Next follows a walk past few more houses, and then we for some time continue on a cart track, and then we reach another road. We continue on the ridge and a little ahead we join the path from Stogovci.
We short time continue on the asphalt road, and when the road splits, we continue straight on a footpath, on which in few minutes we ascend to the church of St. Bolfenk.
From the church, we continue towards the south and we descend on the macadam road to the nearby chapel, where we reach an asphalt road.
We continue left towards the top of Jelovice and Donačka gora (right - we descend to Stogovci) and we continue on the asphalt road which is turning towards the right. Already after few minutes we get to the inscription box (control point number 8 on Haloze mountain trail), and we continue on the road which leads us on the eastern slopes of Kerješetov vrh. At the next crossroad, at NOB monument we continue right, and then signs for the peak of Jelovice point us to the right on a footpath. Next follows an ascent through the forest, and after few minutes we join a cart track, on which we continue diagonal ascent. When we reach the ridge, which connects the peak of Jelovice with Kerješetov vrh we go right (left - peak of Jelovice) and we continue on an unmarked footpath, on which in few minutes we get to indistinct peak Kerješetov vrh.
Naraplje - Sveti Bolfenk 1:00, Sveti Bolfenk - Kerješetov vrh 0:30.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in April 2022.
On the way: Church of St. Bolfenk (Jelovice) (537m)
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