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Mountain ranges / Škofjeloško, Cerkljansko hribovje and Jelovica / Bela peč (Podbliška gora) / Nemilje - Bela peč (Podbliška gora) (via Sleme)

Nemilje - Bela peč (Podbliška gora) (via Sleme)

Starting point: Nemilje (492 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.2632°N 14.2267°E 
Path name: via Sleme
Time of walking: 2 h 25 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 666 m
Altitude difference (by path): 670 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Views: 4,880
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 68
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Kranj, and then we follow the signs for Besnica (turn off from old road Ljubljana - Kranj is before the bridge over the river Sava, or after the bridge if we come from the direction Kranj). Further, we drive through Spodnja and Zgornja Besnica and Njivica. Even a little further, we get to Nemilje, where before the bridge over Nemiljščica there is the beginning of the described path. At the starting point, there aren't any parking spots.
B) From Železniki we drive to Dražgoše, and then we continue driving towards Kropa. Next follows diagonal driving on slopes of Jelovica, and then we get to a crossroad, where the road towards Kranj branches off sharply to the right (turn-off for Kranj is only from the opposite direction). Here we continue sharply right (if turn is too sharp is about 50 meters ahead settled turning point), and then we descend into Podblica and further to the settlement Nemilje. When we get to Nemilje we follow the main road, after the bridge over the stream Nemiljščica we get to a crossroad, where side road branches off to the left. At the mentioned crossroad, where there is the beginning of the described path there aren't any appropriate parking spots.
Path description:
From the bridge over Nemiljščica we go on a side road which ascends past few houses and which higher leads below the hayrack. After hayrack we get to "last" house, which we bypass on the right side, behind it we go left on narrower, partly grassy cart track which ascends diagonally and gradually passes into the forest. During the ascent through the forest in few minutes we reach smaller ridge, after which the path turns left and flattens. Further, we stick to the ridge, on and by which continues the cart track which is on many spots marked with fluorescent colors. Further cart track for some time again becomes steeper, with some luck we can by the path even notice some old Knafelc blaze. Higher, the cart track again flattens and a little ahead we join a wider cart track which comes from the village Njivica.
The path ahead leads us on a gentle cart track which leads us below the ridge of Jamnik with church of St. Primož and Felicijan. After few minutes of quite panoramic of crossing we reach the village Jamnik, through which we continue straight, or at the crossroads we stick slightly left. When we leave village, we quickly reach the main road Dražgoše - Kropa, which we follow to the left, and there we walk few minutes, or to the spot where signs for Bela peč point us slightly right on an ascending cart track. Cart track soon turns right, when makes the left hairpin turn, in the direction of straight continues a footpath which leads towards Bela peč. Next follows an ascent through the forest, and a little higher we cross end of the cart track which we recently left (to here possible also on a cart track). The path which is marked with faded yellow signs further becomes pretty steep, and it is ascending also on a quite steep slope, therefore in snow and in wet more caution is needed. Higher, we reach the edge of Jelovica, where the path flattens and from the slope passes on a plateau. Here the path turns left, and a little further it joins the cart track which we also follow to the left. Next follows gentle to occasionally moderate ascent on the path which mainly runs through a dense forest. Even a little further forest gets thinner, and the path brings us on the panoramic edge of plateau, from where a beautiful view opens up towards Kamnik Savinja Alps, part of Karawanks, Gorenjska and surrounding hills. At viewpoint path turns a little right and in few minutes ascends on panoramic Bela peč, from where opens up also a view on the other side.
Njivica - village Jamnik 1:05, village Jamnik - Bela peč 1:20.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2017 (November and December).
On the way: Jamnik (831m)
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