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Orešnik - Sveta Barbara above Slovenj Gradec

Starting point: Orešnik (660 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 169 m
Altitude difference (by path): 210 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Views: 4,165
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 8
Access to starting point:
From Velenje or Dravograd we drive to Slovenj Gradec, here at the roundabout, which is located on the main road Dravograd - Velenje we go to the exit Kope and Legan. The road then soon brings us to the next crossroad, where we continue straight in the direction of Gradišče. The road then brings us to a crossroad, where there are marked "farms". Here we continue right and we follow the road to the next crossroad, where we continue right again upwards. Further, we drive only for a short time to the next crossroad, where we continue sharply right upwards. After few ten meters of a driving road comes to "farm" Hriberšek behind which a road turns sharply left. Further, we drive only a short time to the parking lot by the road which we notice on the left side of the road behind the torrent, which we've just crossed.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue on the road by which we've parked. After few minutes of walking, the road crosses the marked path. Here we leave the road and go left upwards on a cart track which is at first steeply and then moderately ascending through the forest. We follow this path a good half an hour to the spot, where it brings us on the road. Here is a crossroad of four roads and our footpath which we here leave. Further, we continue on the road in the direction of Sveta Barbara (turn-off is marked). Further, we continue on the road which isn't marked but the road to the church doesn't have any crossroads, so the orientation isn't difficult. On the road which occasionally slightly descends, and then it ascends we walk approximately 40 minutes to the spot, where on the right side of the road, only few meters away we notice the church.
Orešnik - Sveta Barbara above Slovenj Gradec1
Orešnik - Sveta Barbara above Slovenj Gradec2
Orešnik - Sveta Barbara above Slovenj Gradec3
Orešnik - Sveta Barbara above Slovenj Gradec4
Orešnik - Sveta Barbara above Slovenj Gradec5
Orešnik - Sveta Barbara above Slovenj Gradec6
Orešnik - Sveta Barbara above Slovenj Gradec7
Orešnik - Sveta Barbara above Slovenj Gradec8
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