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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Veliki vrh (Veža) / Planina Podvežak - Veliki vrh (Veža) (via Prag)

Planina Podvežak - Veliki vrh (Veža) (via Prag)

Starting point: Planina Podvežak (1500 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3319°N 14.6726°E 
Path name: via Prag
Time of walking: 2 h 20 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: more demanding
Altitude difference: 610 m
Altitude difference (by path): 750 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Views: 45,868
Trip rating: 5 votes
Number of pictures: 40
Access to starting point:
First, we drive to Luče, and then we continue driving into a valley of Podvolovjek (direction Kamnik and Kranjski Rak). At the road sign between 11 and 11.5 km, we will get to a smaller crossroad, where a road towards the farm Planinšek and mountain pastures Podvežak, Ravne and Vodole branches off to the right (turn-off is marked). We go on this at first still asphalt road which at the crossroads we follow in the direction of the mountain pasture Podvežak. On relatively long and in the upper part also worse macadam road we will get to the parking lot below the mountain pasture Podvežak (by the starting point are a gate and numerous signposts).
From Kamnik we drive towards the mountain pass Črnivec, but only to a crossroad, where the road towards Kranjski Rak branches off sharply to the left (turn-off is marked and is located only 500 meters before the mentioned mountain pass). At the crossroad at Kranjski Rak we continue straight on the main road which starts descending into a valley of Podvolovjek. In the mentioned valley we will only 100 meters after bar Gams come to a crossroad, where the road towards the farm Planinšek and mountain pastures Podvežak, Ravne and Vodole branches off to the left (turn-off is marked). Further, follow the upper description.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on a footpath (or road) in the direction of the mountain pasture Podvežak. Both road and footpath which during the ascent crosses a forest road, in 15 minutes of a moderate ascent bring us to shepherd cottage on the mountain pasture Podvežak, from which a beautiful view opens up towards Rogatec and Lepenatka.
From the mountain pasture, we continue on a marked, but at first poorly visible path, which soon goes into the forest. The path through the forest a little steeper ascends, and then passes into a smaller unvegetated valley, above which it entirely flattens. Next follows few minutes of crossing the slopes below the side ridge of Deska, and then the path brings us on a less noticeable crossing, where the unmarked path branches off to the left, which leads towards Deska and lake Vodotočno jezero. We continue straight on a marked path, which descends on a pleasant grassy plain, and then turns a little towards the right and it ascends through a lane of dwarf pines. On the top of the ascent from the right joins the path from the mountain pasture Vodole, and we continue left, we cross a grazing fence and after few additional strides, we come to a well Inkretov studenec, which is situated just few meters from the path.
Follows only a light ascent, and then the path again flattens and brings us below relatively steep and in snow for an avalanche dangerous slopes Tolsti vrh. A little further a pleasant path brings us to a marked crossing, where we continue slightly right in the direction of the chapel on Molička peč (slightly left Korošica). The path ahead slightly descends, and then continues in a moderate ascent through a series of smaller valleys. We soon come on a smaller crossing, where the path branches off to the left, which returns on the marked path towards Korošica, and to the right path towards the mountain pasture Ravne and Dolga Trata. We continue straight on a wide and a pleasant path, which after few minutes of additional walking brings us on a saddle Prag, where there is the next crossing.
We continue sharply right in the direction of the mountain pasture Ravne and Veliki vrh (straight Molička planina) on the path which crosses slopes of Veliki vrh towards the southeast. After few minutes of additional walking, we will by the path notice a smaller wooden sign with the caption Veliki vrh, which points us to the left on a little poorly visible footpath which ascends through a lane of dwarf pines. Higher, the footpath becomes a little more distinct and starts gradually ascending steeper and steeper. A pretty steep path by which for better orientation we get help from numerous cairns, higher starts to vanishing. We further follow a poorly visible footpath which from steep partly rocky part passes on more gentle grassy slopes. A poorly visible footpath which is slowly turning towards the right, after few minutes of additional walking brings us on Veliki vrh on which we notice a large cairn.
On the way: Planina Podvežak (1564m), Prag (1870m)
Trip can be extended to: Velika Zelenica ( 10 min)
Planina Podvežak - Veliki vrh (Veža)1
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