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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Kozice / Predgrad - Kozice (by road)

Predgrad - Kozice (by road)

Starting point: Predgrad (374 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.50433°N 15.05606°E 
Destination: Kozice (741 m)
Path name: by road
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 367 m
Altitude difference (by path): 367 m
Views: 1,170
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 32
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Kočevje, and then we continue driving in the direction of Delnice. In Livold we leave the main road towards Croatia and we continue left in the direction of Črnomelj and Vinica. Further, we drive through the settlement Mozelj, Rajndol, Knežja Lipa, Brezovica pri Predgradu, where the road turns sharply to the right, Čeplje, Zagozdac and Jelenja vas to the settlement Predgrad, where at the church of St. Sebastjan we park on a parking lot at the information boards.
B) From Vinica or Črnomelj we drive to Stari trg ob Kolpi, from there we continue driving in the direction of Kočevje, and we drive only to Predgrad, where we park on a parking lot in front of the church of St. Sebastjan.
Path description:
Signs for Kozice from the parking lot point us on the road, where we walk in the direction of Kočevje, and after few 10 strides behind the nearby house to the left continues the footpath on Kozice, and we continue on the road. The road then leads us also past the information board Svet Kolpe, snack bar Hace, Jožef Šmalcelj birth house to the chapel, where we leave the main road and we continue slightly left on a side road, and at the next crossroad and at the cross, we go straight. Further, we go past few more houses, and then we get to the forest, where we go past the storage of logs.
An asphalt only a little further ends, and we continue on the macadam road which higher has quite a few crossroads, and we follow the signs for Kozice - access with a car. The road which is mostly moderately ascending and which leads through the forest we follow all the way to its end on the top of Kozice at RTV transmitter, where there is an inscription box.
And for a nice view it is worthed to continue in the direction of viewpoint, to which we get to after a little less than 5 minutes of a descent.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in August 2020.
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