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Rakitna - Županov vrh (east path)

Starting point: Rakitna (789 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.8907°N 14.4397°E 
Path name: east path
Time of walking: 35 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 210 m
Altitude difference (by path): 210 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Views: 5,139
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 31
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Brezovica, and then we continue driving in the direction Podpeč (to Podpeč we can also come from Črna vas or Ig). In Podpeč we continue in the direction of Borovnica, Krim and Rakitna and continue driving for a short time by the edge of Ljubljana marshes, and then signs for Rakitna point us to the left on a steep ascending road. The road then leads us through Preserje, where it also starts descending. After a short descent, we continue left in the direction of Krim and Rakitna, and then mostly ascending road we follow to Rakitna (after the turn-off for Krim the road starts descending), where we park on a parking lot at the church.
B) First, we drive to Cerknica, and then we continue driving in the direction of Begunje, when we get to Begunje we follow the signs for Rakitna. When we get to Rakitna we park on a parking lot by a parish church on Rakitna.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on a marked path or at first road in the direction of Krim, Dom v Iškem Vintgarju, farms Benko and Ustje, Vrbice and village Osredek. The road at first leads past the chapel, Mercator store, and after a short ascent, it brings us to the spot, where the road branches off to the left towards the nearby snack bar Okrepčevalnica Krimček, and we go a little to the right and we still continue on a marked road. The road then leads us past some more pastures and houses, and then splits into two parts.
We continue left upwards (right leads the road towards health resort MKZ Rakitna) on the road which after a short ascent again splits. This time we continue straight in the direction of Krim (right partisan hospital Krvavice and Iški Vintgar) on a worse macadam road which is becoming a little steeper. The marked path soon turns right (left west path on Županov vrh) and for few minutes it continues on a cart track. After the nearby turning point the cart track passes into a wide mountain path, which is diagonally ascending towards the saddle between Županov vrh and Rotovc. And by the path which is all the time moderately steep, we notice a larger number of marks of a learning trail. Some 10 strides before the saddle, where there is also a marked crossing, at the crossing of cart tracks we continue left on a relatively new unmarked cart track. The mentioned cart track further is ascending towards the left and then it quite quickly splits into two parts. We continue on the right worse cart track (cart track which continues straight a little further ends), which ascends a little steeper. When higher the cart track at electric fence flattens, we leave it and we continue left through electric fence, behind which we soon step out of the forest. Next follows only a short walk with nice views to antennas on Županov vrh.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2014 (August).
Trip can be extended to: Rotovc
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