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Rakov Škocjan - Veliki Javornik (Javorniki)

Starting point: Rakov Škocjan (550 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.7886°N 14.2979°E 
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: demanding
Altitude difference: 718 m
Altitude difference (by path): 718 m
Map: Snežnik 1:50.000
Views: 24,760
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 17
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Unec and we continue driving towards Unec. On Unec signs for Postojna and Rakov Škocjan point us to the right, on the road which a little further continues directly by the highway. After few kilometers from Unec, we get to a crossroad, where signs for Rakov Škocjan point us to the left on a macadam road, on which we then drive to Hotel Rakov Škocjan.
B) From highway Koper - Ljubljana we go to the exit Postojna, and then we continue driving on the old road towards Logatec. When Postojna ends, at hamlet Ravbarkomanda we turn right in the direction of Unec, Rakek and Rakov Škocjan. After that, when through overpass we cross a railway track, we continue left on the main road, and then through the underpass below the highway we pass on the other side of the highway. For some time we drive by the highway, and then signs for Rakov Škocjan point us to the left on a macadam road, on which we then drive to Hotel Rakov Škocjan.
C) First, we drive to Cerknica, and from there we continue driving towards Unec. In the settlement Podskrajnik we continue left towards Rakov Škocjan, Zelše and industrial zone. In unmarked crossroad in ind. zone we continue straight, and then we quickly get to the settlement Zelše. When the settlement ends, soon ends also asphalt, and the road brings us to a crossroad, where a road branches off to the right towards the hunting lodge Lovski dom LD Cerknica, and we continue straight and we continue driving to Hotel Rakov Škocjan.
Path description:
At the end of the parking lot, we notice signs for a footpath on Javornik. The path at first runs on the road among individual houses, and then the road ends. We continue on a poorly marked cart track in the direction of Veliki Javornik. After few minutes of walking, the cart track changes into a barely visible footpath which after few minutes of a steep ascent brings us on the forest road which we follow to the left. After less than 100m of walking on the road we come to a crossroad, where we continue sharply right on the road which is gently ascending. After additional 15 minutes of walking, we come to the next crossroad, where we continue on the left road. And we follow this road to the spot, where the footpath branches off right upwards (here also the path from Cerknica joins).
The path ahead steeply ascends on a slope almost straight upwards and after 10 minutes brings us on the forest road. We follow it to the right only about a minute, and then blazes point us to the left steeply upwards. The path is at first ascending on a slope straight upwards and then turns a little towards the right and then for a short time ascends even steeper. The steepness then decreases and the path in a moderate ascent brings us to the summit of Veliki Javornik.
PS: The entire path runs through the forest with a large population of a brown bear.
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