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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Planina Zgornji Kozjek / Ravne - Planina Zgornji Kozjek

Ravne - Planina Zgornji Kozjek

Starting point: Ravne (1177 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4288°N 14.0055°E 
Time of walking: 20 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 53 m
Altitude difference (by path): 55 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Views: 366
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 14
Access to starting point:
A) We leave Gorenjska highway at exit Jesenice east (Lipce), and then we follow the signs for Spodnje Gorje and Pokljuka. Further, we drive through the settlement Kočna, and then we already get to Spodnje Gorje, where we at first cross the stream Rečica, and a little and after the stream we go right in the direction of the settlement Zgornje Laze. Further, we drive on a narrower road which leads us through the settlement, and when the settlement Zgornje Laze ends, in a smaller valley, where the road turns semicircular to the left and where there ares several crossroads, we choose the second turn-off to the right. Further, we start ascending towards the plateau Mežakla, when the road flattens we go past the mountain pasture Strmole and mountain pasture Ravne. At the end of the mountain pasture Ravne we continue straight (left cottage of university Univerza v Ljubljani) and we again start considerably ascending. When we already pass over on northwestern slopes of the peak Oblek, cart track branches off to the left, which leads to the near mountain pasture Spodnji Kozjek, and we continue on a wider macadam road which a little ahead brings us to a crossroad, by which there is a marked parking lot (a sign P on TNP pole), and we continue on a wider road which gradually passes on more plateau terrain. Next follows few more crossroads, where we follow wider road, and then at the next marked parking lot we park on an appropriate place.
B) We drive to Bled, and then we continue driving towards Pokljuka. Towards the end of the settlement Krnica we leave the main road towards Pokljuka and we continue right downwards in the direction of Radovna, Krma and Mojstrana. Next follows some descent, and then we over the bridge cross river Radovna, and after the bridge we go right in the direction of Perniki and Zgornje Laze. Further, we drive through Spodnje Laze, and when the mentioned settlement ends, in a smaller valley, the road turns semicircular to the right and where there are several crossroads, we choose the second turn-off to the left. Further, we start ascending towards the plateau Mežakla, when the road flattens we go past the mountain pasture Strmole and mountain pasture Ravne. At the end of the mountain pasture Ravne we continue straight (left cottage of university Univerza v Ljubljani) and we again start considerably ascending. When we already pass over on northwestern slopes of the peak Oblek, cart track branches off to the left, which leads to the near mountain pasture Spodnji Kozjek, and we continue on a wider macadam road which a little ahead brings us to a crossroad, by which there is a marked parking lot (a sign P on TNP pole), and we continue on a wider road which gradually passes on more plateau terrain. Next follows few more crossroads, where we follow wider road, and then at the next marked parking lot we park on an appropriate place.
Path description:
From the starting point, where the cart track branches off to the left we continue on an ascending asphalt road which quickly brings us to a green gate and TNP pole with prohibitions and notification, that we are entering the bear area. Few minutes higher we get to a crossroad, where we continue left (road straight semicircular bypasses the mountain pasture Zgornji Kozjek and above the mountain pasture it joins the road which goes left, and the road to the right eventually ends in the forest).
The path ahead leads us on a macadam road, from which soon a cart track branches off to the right towards the bottom part of the mountain pasture Zgornji Kozjek. We continue right (if we continue straight we get direct on the upper part of the mountain pasture), where the cart track quickly brings us to the bottom part of the mountain pasture Zgornji Kozjek. When we step on the mountain pasture cart track ends, and we continue by the edge of the mountain pasture, and we walk there all the way to the upper part of the mountain pasture, where stands another cottage and where there are some ruins.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2019 (December).
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