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Mountain ranges / Prekmurje / Sotinski breg (Kugla) / Sotina - Sotinski breg (Kugla) (via the source of mineral water)

Sotina - Sotinski breg (Kugla) (via the source of mineral water)

Starting point: Sotina (258 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.83445°N 16.04097°E 
Path name: via the source of mineral water
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 160 m
Altitude difference (by path): 195 m
Map: Pomurje 1:40.000
Views: 3,210
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 42
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Gederovci (to here from Radenci or Murska Sobota) and we continue driving in the direction of Kuzma. When we get to the settlement Sotina we need to pay attention, because at the bus stop, by which we notice hiking signposts there is the beginning of the described path. We park on an appropriate place nearby.
B) We drive into Kuzma (to here from the settlement Grad, Mačkovci or Petrovci), and then we continue driving towards Sotina and Austria. When Kuzma ends, follows a relatively short ascent, and then a descent, where from the crossroad with the priority road we continue left. Further, we quickly get to Sotina, where we go past the cemetery, and then about 300 meters further we get to the bus stop, by which there are hiking signposts. We park on an appropriate place nearby.
Path description:
From the bus stop, we continue on a side road which is lightly ascending towards the northwest, and at the smaller crossroad, we go straight. Before the road crosses a smaller stream, we leave it and we go slightly right on a footpath which continues through a meadow. The nearby field we bypass on the left side, and then we go over a small bridge on the left side (right bank) of the stream. Next follows a walk along the stream, occasionally few meters above the stream, where we cross steeper slopes. A quite gentlle path then quickly brings us to an interesting source of mineral water.
From the source we continue on a marked path, which further leads on an interesting tree-lined path, which ends with a marked crossing.
From the crossing, we go left in the direction of Sotinski breg (right - Činčev breg) and we continue the ascent on a cart track which higher brings us out of the forest, where we go through the yard of the nearby homestead (sometimes there is an unleashed dog). On the other side of the homestead, we continue on a marked path which continues along the national border with the neighbouring Austria, when we get to the nearby house, where on the right we already see the peak, we go left downwards. On the road, we descend a little and then blazes point us to the right, where through an orchard we get into a lane of bushes and lower forest. A short descent ends on a smaller meadow, where on the left we notice a road, and we go right upwards on a marked path, which for some time returns into the forest. Few minutes higher we reach an asphalt road and we follow it to the right, and there with increasingly beautiful views we get to an interesting fence with skis.
Here we go left and on gentle panoramic terrain in 2 minutes of additional walking, we get to a lookout tower on the highest peak of Prekmurje.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in February 2021.
On the way: Izvir slatine (pod Činčevim bregom) (280m)
Sotina - Sotinski breg (Kugla)1
Sotina - Sotinski breg (Kugla)2
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