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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Rudnica / Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica

Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica

Starting point: Srednja vas (Senožeta) (574 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.2909°N 13.9296°E 
Destination: Rudnica (946 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 372 m
Altitude difference (by path): 390 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Views: 2,490
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 33
Access to starting point:
A) From the road Bled - Bohinjska Bistrica, in the settlement Bitnje we drive sharply right (from the direction of Bohinj slightly left) in the direction of Pokljuka, Srednja vas and Jereka. Next follows a steep ascent, and when the road flattens from the crossroad we continue straight in the direction of Stara Fužina and Srednja vas (right Pokljuka, Koprivnik and Jereka). A little further, we already get to Bohinjska Češnjica, and we follow the main road to Srednja vas, where we turn left in the direction of the ski lift. We follow the signs for the ski lift to a larger parking lot by the foot of the ski slope Senožeta. In the summer season, the parking lot is payable.
B) We drive to Stara Fužina, and then we continue driving towards Srednja vas. In Srednja vas we turn right in the direction of the ski lift. We follow the signs for the ski lift to a larger parking lot by the foot of the ski slope Senožeta. In the summer season, the parking lot is payable.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on the path towards Bohinjska Češnjica and we walk on an asphalt road, where there leads a route of the cycling path Bohinj. After few minutes, we get to a marked crossroad, where we go right towards Brod (if we continue straight we get to Bohinjska Češnjica).
From the crossroad ahead, the road starts ascending, and the asphalt quickly ends. The macadam path gradually gets closer to the route of the ski slope, where it turns left, and higher it gradually flattens and turns towards the south. Next follows a short descent to a crossroad, where we go right (left downwards we descend to Brod), and then mainly in a gentle ascent, we walk through an ample meadow, where we walk mostly towards the west, and in front of us, we already clearly see Rudnica. When the cart track brings us on a smaller saddle between Rudnica on the left and Kazanca on the right (peak with the hunting observatory), we go left and we start ascending by the fence, where we follow a worse footpath. Higher, when we leave the meadow and the path passes into the forest, the footpath becomes more distinct, and a little ahead also very steep. Next follows a steep ascent on the slope, where there are several fallen trees, but woth the passages there aren't any bigger problems, because the footpath mostly nicely bypasses them. Steep path, by which we can also notice older blazes higher brings us into more plateau terrain, where we join a better beaten path from Brod.
Here we continue right and by the edge of the precipice, we continue (the path is from the edge a little distant, so that there is no significant danger of slipping). This panoramic path we then follow to the nearby peak Rudnica, where there is a bench and few steps ahead also an inscription box.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in February 2020.
On the way: Senožeta (656m)
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica1
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica2
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica3
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica4
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica5
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica6
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica7
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica8
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica9
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica10
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica11
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica12
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica13
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica14
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica15
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica16
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica17
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica18
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica19
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica20
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica21
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica22
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica23
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica24
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica25
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica26
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica27
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica28
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica29
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica30
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica31
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica32
Srednja vas (Senožeta) - Rudnica33
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