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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne) / Srednji vrh - Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne) (via Železnica)

Srednji vrh - Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne) (via Železnica)

Starting point: Srednji vrh (960 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4894°N 13.8371°E 
Path name: via Železnica
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: partly demanding
Altitude difference: 971 m
Altitude difference (by path): 971 m
Map: Kranjska Gora 1:30.000
Views: 110,411
Trip rating: 7 votes
Number of pictures: 37
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Jesenice - west (Hrušica) and we continue driving in the direction Kranjska Gora. When we come in Gozd Martuljek we turn right in the direction of Srednji Vrh and on a narrow and steep road we drive to the mentioned settlement. When the road flattens a little, we will come to a crossroad of multiple roads and turning point. Here we park on an appropriate place by the crossroad.
Path description:
From the crossroad, we continue on the left ascending road by which we notice signs "Trupijevo poldne". We for some time continue on the mentioned road, and then the next sign for the same peak points us right on an ascending grassy cart track. Cart track soon turns sharply to the right and is a short time ascending diagonally, and then it brings us to an unmarked crossing, where we continue on the lower right cart track which after few minutes of crossing gets very close the stream Jerman. Further, we are moderately ascending by the stream and the cart track on which we walk over a bridge few times crosses the mentioned stream. Higher, the path leads past some abandoned shepherd huts on Hudi hlevi, and then it flattens and in few minutes of additional walking brings us to a wider forest road which we reach at its end (area named Železnica).
From the end of the road, we continue on a wide rocky cart track which continues from the road. Cart track is moderately ascending and in 30 minutes of walking through a thin forest brings us on a clearing, where on the left side we notice a hunting cottage and a well.
We continue on the path which runs through a small valley and soon brings us on meadows east from the hunting cottage. Through a meadow, the path is a little harder to follow, but when we come into dwarf pine we again can't miss it. A nice path then brings us on the saddle between Trupejevo poldne and Lepi vrh (as on maps, otherwise has peak also other names Bela peč, Peči and Na Pečeh), where joins the path from the mountain pasture Grajšca. We continue left and on a panoramic ridge path through dwarf pines we ascend to the summit.
The last meters below the summit are slightly exposed and in snow dangerous for slipping (in dry undemanding).
Srednji vrh - end of the road 1:15, end of the road - Trupejevo poldne 1:15.
On the way: Lovska koča Železnica (1700m)
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