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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Gradišče (Velika planina) / Stahovica - Gradišče (Velika planina)

Stahovica - Gradišče (Velika planina)

Starting point: Stahovica (430 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.2668°N 14.6036°E 
Time of walking: 3 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1236 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1275 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Views: 105,197
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 83
Access to starting point:
First, we drive to Kamnik, and then we continue driving in the direction Kamniška Bistrica and mountain pass Črnivec. When we come to Stahovica we continue left (if we come from Gornji Grad or Luče right) in the direction of Kamniška Bistrica and cableway on Velika planina. After approximately 50 meters of additional driving, we will notice on the left side factory Calcit and next to it marked parking lot. We can also park on the right side of the road on an appropriate place by the road which leads in the village Prapretno.
Path description:
The footpath otherwise starts by the road Stahovica - Črnivec, but because the parking lot is by the beginning of the road which leads on Prapretno, we just go on the mentioned road upwards. We soon come to Dom LD Stahovica, after which the road for some time flattens. Only a little further from the right joins the marked path, and we have two options to continue. We can still continue on the road, or we continue on a marked footpath which higher few more times crosses the mentioned road. Higher both paths join and through the upper part of the village Prapretno bring us to a sharp left turn, where we leave the road.
We continue on a wide and well-beaten path (direction St. Primož above Kamnik), which is further moderately ascending through the forest. The path then past two chapels and trough with water brings us to a marked crossing, where we continue left in the direction of Velika planina and Kisovec (straight St. Primož and St. Peter 5 minut; continuation on Velika planina is possible also past the mentioned churches; the latter path is for approximately 15 minutes longer). The path ahead steeply ascends and after a shorter ascent brings us by the edge of indistinct ridge, where it turns to the left (here straight path on Kisovec branches off, and from the right joins the path past St. Primož). We continue on a pleasant forest path, which for a short time steeply ascends and brings us by the edge of vantage point (view on Kamnik and surroundings). We continue the ascent on a moderately steep path, which is ascending through the forest on slopes of less known Ravni hrib (1204 meters) and higher also Pirčev vrh (1373 meters).
Higher, we reach the ridge right somewhere on the halfway between the both peaks, and the path continues towards the right, where after few minutes of additional walking, we come at the marked crossing, where we have two options to continue.
In dry it is more appropriate to continue on the left bottom path which leads us over panoramic and relatively steep slopes of Pasje peči, otherwise we go slightly right and we continue on the path which ascends on Pirčev vrh. The latter path is a little longer and more appropriate for winter days and for people, who are afraid of crossing of steep slopes.
Both paths join on a saddle northeast from Pirčev vrh, where we also step at the next crossing. We continue straight (right mountain pasture Kisovec) on the path which gradually starts ascending steeper and steeper. Higher, the path flattens and over a grazing fence brings us on the south edge of plateau Velika planina. Only few meters above the grazing fence we cross wider path, and we continue straight on a little poorly visible footpath which soon brings us to first cottages on the mountain pasture. Gentle footpath which leads us over pastures, we follow to the memorial who died in the crash of an allied aircraft in the year 1944. Only few meters before memorial we continue left (right Jarški dom) and then on a moderately steep path in 5 minutes of additional walking, we get to the mountain hut Črnuški dom na Mali planini.
From the mountain hut Črnuški dom we continue on a wide path, which in few minutes of a light ascent, brings us to a crossing, where from the right side joins the path from the mountain hut Jarški dom. Here we continue left and in few 10 strides of additional walking, we get to the mountain hut Domžalski dom na Mali planini.
The path then descends into a smaller valley, where we again step on a wide path (almost road). We continue right and we follow the path to a poorly marked crossing, where the path in the direction of shepherd hut Gradiščkovi branches off to the left. After a short ascent, the path brings us to the mentioned settlement, from which we continue on a poorly visible but marked path. The path ahead leads us past numerous benches, on unvegetated slope moderately upwards. The path soon brings us between two peaks, where we continue slightly right. In the middle of the ascent, we notice a caption chairlift right (left, in the direction of our ascent shepherd settlement). We continue in the direction of chairlift on the path which quickly brings us on the upper slope of Velika planina. Here we continue right on a marked path, which after few steps of ascent brings us on Gradišče.
On the way: Črnuški dom na Mali planini mountain hut (1526m), Domžalski dom na Mali planini mountain hut (1534m)
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