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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Koča pri Sveti Ani on Mala gora / Steljnik - Koča pri Sveti Ani on Mala gora

Steljnik - Koča pri Sveti Ani on Mala gora

Starting point: Steljnik (615 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.7501°N 14.7628°E 
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 295 m
Altitude difference (by path): 295 m
Views: 6,891
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 12
Access to starting point:
First, we drive to Ribnica (to here from Ljubljana or Kočevje) and then we continue driving past company Inles, where we also cross a railway track. Only a little after the track we will notice the first signposts for Sveta Ana. Further, we are ascending on a relatively nice macadam road which higher brings us to a waste management center, where there is a crossroad. We continue right (left - Sveta Ana from the farm Seljan) and we follow the road ahead past the waste management center to the next crossroad by which we park.
Path description:
From the crossroad, we continue in the direction of Sveta Ana on the road which is ascending through the forest. After a good 5 minutes of walking a road branches off to the right, which leads towards Črni vrh, and we continue straight, also on the road which is still ascending through the forest.
Only few meters before the next crossroad, a marked footpath which leads towards Sveta Ana turns left into a dense forest and starts moderately ascending. After a short ascent, follows a light descent and the path gets very close to the forest road which we recently left.
We continue in the direction of Sveta Ana on a cart track which is further ascending diagonally towards the west. Further, from the left side joins the path from the farm Seljan, and we continue past the church on a panoramic grassy slope to the mountain hut.
Trip can be extended to: Grmada on Mala gora , Stene svete Ane ( 20 min)
Steljnik - Koča pri Sveti Ani on Mala gora1
Steljnik - Koča pri Sveti Ani on Mala gora2
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Steljnik - Koča pri Sveti Ani on Mala gora12
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