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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Mittagskogel/Kepa / Untergreuth - Mittagskogel/Kepa (path on NE ridge)

Untergreuth - Mittagskogel/Kepa (path on NE ridge)

Starting point: Untergreuth (650 m)
Path name: path on NE ridge
Time of walking: 4 h
Difficulty: very difficult unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1493 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1550 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - vzhodni del. 1 : 50.000
Author: klm
Views: 13,575
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 0
Access to starting point:
We drive through Karawanks Tunnel and from there on a regional road towards Bekštanj / Finkenstein. Few 100 meters before Loče / Latschach, 639 meters we turn left on a local road which runs towards the village Ratenče a local road branches off to the left, which runs to Spodnje Rute / Untergreuth.
Path description:
From Spodnje Rute signpost with numbers 681 and 680 points us towards the southwest past the inn Martinihof (on the Slovenian maps marked with Slovenian name Hoja) and from there on the path number 681 past the homestead Kobvar on a steep forested hill, from which we descend into a gully of the stream Borovnica. Here on the right we join the forest road which runs to the hut, but for the traffic it is closed with the gate. This area is called Iljčev rut. From here ahead we can go either on the road or on a footpath which is from here on a marked with number 680 (also KWW – number 603). To the hut it runs on the road, and a little left from it runs also a parallel footpath. It avoids numerous road turns and it is much more pleasant and at the same time, it is also shorter. After 2 hours of walking, we reach hut Bertina koča / Bertahütte, 1527 meters, in its immediate vicinity stands hut Koča pod Kepo / Mittagskogelhütte.
From the hut, we descend to a saddle Borovščica. There we leave the marked path and we turn right on an unmarked footpath, on which we are quite steeply ascending through the forest to a narrow ridge rocky rib. This is at the beginning quite exposed (spot of II. grade of climbing), but for belaying we get help from three pitons. When we climb the key part, steepness for a moment flattens, and problems for now also end. We continue the ascent on a small footpath which is winding among dwarf pines, through which we quickly break through, and then follows a steep ascent over rugged crumbly rocks, until we get to more rocky terrain. Rock is more or less solid and quite rugged, and at looking for easiest passages we get help from blazes in the shape of red arrows and red dots. We quickly move forward to the secondary peak, on which stands the second cross. From there we ascend on the main peak on a well visible footpath on the left side of the ridge (on map Julian Alps - eastern part, the path is marked as marked, even though it is considered unmarked, in spite of the mentioned blazes, which make searching of the passages easier. The mistake is corrected in Sidarta map Julian Alps, where it is properly marked).
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