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Vinišnik - Kremžarjev vrh

Starting point: Vinišnik (550 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 35 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 614 m
Altitude difference (by path): 615 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Author: timi_95
Views: 5,100
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 18
Access to starting point:
A) From Velenje or Dravograd we drive to Slovenj Gradec, and here in the roundabout, which is situated on the main road Dravograd - Velenje we go to the exit Kope and Legen. The road then soon brings us to the next crossroad, where we turn right (in the direction of ski center Kope). In this direction we drive approximately 2.2 km to the next crossroad, where we turn left (in this direction there are signposts for few farms and marked path towards Kremžarica). At the next crossroad after 500 meters we again turn left (in the direction of picnic area Vinišnik). We continue driving uphill, we get to a macadam road and on the left side we notice a parking lot.
B) From regional road Mislinja - Slovenj Gradec we drive to the settlement Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu and later Legen, we drive past the church of St. Jurij and then we turn right in the direction of ski center Kope. In this direction we continue approximately 300 meters to the next crossroad, where we turn left (in this direction there are signposts for few farms and marked path towards Kremžarca). At the next crossroad after 500 meters we again turn left in the direction of picnic area Vinišnik. We continue driving uphill, we get to a macadam road and on the left side we notice a parking lot, which is intended for hikers on Kremžarjev Vrh.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue on the road which would lead to picnic area Vinišnik. After few minutes of walking a trail blaze shows the way to the right on a worse steeper road, past smaller farms. The road is slowly changing into forest cart track. In this part, the path which has a starting point at the farm Orešnik joins. In front of us is 40 minutes of walking uphill on a marked path which runs on a shady cart track and the forest path. After the end of the cart track, we cross a crossroad of the macadam roads in which the "main road" runs to Sveta Barbara, and in the other direction to the valley or mountain hut Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom. Our marked path continues on the other side of the road. In this part of the path, we can observe Slovenj Gradec and peaks of the nearby mountains (Uršlja gora, Peca). After 15 minutes of walking on a cart track and by pastures past the farm Lampret we cross the road and we come to a crossing. We have the option to decide for a shorter path, below the summit or on the path directly to the top.
Few steps to the right from the farm Lampret, we ascend past the upper roads, where there is a marked direct path to the top. The path to the top will took 35 minutes and leads us over a shorter, but steep hill through the forest. The path through the forest slowly changes into a cart track which is winding by the meadow. From this meadow a view is slowly opening up from the peak Peca and Uršlja gora to Slovenj Gradec airport in the lowlands. In this part of the path, the path from Grmovškov dom on Kope joins. We continue walking on a meadow, we stick to the right path and we walk to Kremžarjev vrh. If we continue ahead, we descend to an indistinct ridge on which there is an interesting half open glass chapel with a wish bell, where the footpath from Vuzenica, and the path Vinišnik - Kremžarjev vrh (Pod vrhom) join. On the horizontal path we can continue to the mountain hut Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom.
On the way: Vinišnik (550m), Lampret (950m), Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom mountain hut (1102m)
Vinišnik - Kremžarjev vrh1
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