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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Dom na Mirni gori / Vrčice - Dom na Mirni gori (via Škrilj)

Vrčice - Dom na Mirni gori (via Škrilj)

Starting point: Vrčice (481 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.6479°N 15.1415°E 
Path name: via Škrilj
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 519 m
Altitude difference (by path): 550 m
Map: Dolenjska - Gorjanci, Kočevski Rog 1:50.000
Views: 6,186
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 50
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Brežice, we go to the exit Ivančna Gorica, and then we continue driving in the direction of Črnomelj. After Črmošnjice, the road is for a short time still ascending, and then it starts descending steeper and brings us in the village Vrčice, where we park on a macadam parking lot near the local inn.
B) From highway Brežice - Ljubljana, we go to the exit Novo mesto, and then we continue driving in the direction Dolenjske Toplice and Podturn pri Dolenjskih Toplicah. In Podturnu we join the main road Ivančna Gorica - Črnomelj, and we follow it left in the direction of Črnomelj. After Črmošnjice, the road is for a short time still ascending, and then it starts descending steeper and brings us in the village Vrčice, where we park on a macadam parking lot near the local inn.
C) From Bela krajina at first we drive in Semič, and then we continue driving towards Črmošnjice and Soteska. Still before the road starts descending, we get to Vrčice, where we park on a large macadam parking lot by the nearby inn.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on a macadam road in the direction of Kleč, Planina and Mirna gora. The macadam road quickly descends to the church of St. Martin, before which we step on an asphalt road which leads on Mirna gora, and we follow it to the right. The road at first leads past few houses, and then passes into the forest, where it starts ascending steeper. And only a little after the asphalt ends, we get to a marked crossroad, where we continue on the right road (left access on Mirna gora with a car), and also the hiking signposts point us there. Further, we are ascending for some time on the macadam road, then the marked path for some time leaves it and at the memorial plaque or stone returns on the macadam road. We continue the ascent on the road, and it gradually flattens and brings us out of the forest on less vegetated area named Kleč.
Here the path leads us past the nearby hunting house Kleč and ruins of the former church, to the next crossroad.
At the crossroad, by which there are numerous signposts, we choose the right path (left Mirna gora via Planina), which continues on a slightly ascending macadam road. The road higher brings us to the former Kočevje village Škrilj, in which in the year 1941 there were still 6 houses and 26 residents. Here at the left turn, from the right also the path from the village Brezovica pri Črmošnjicah joins, and the path leads past a rocky cottage, behind which we soon get to the next marked crossing, where we leave the road.
Because the signs for Mirna gora point us slightly to the left in the forest, where the path continues without large changes in altitude. Next follows a short descent, which ends at the nearby macadam road which we only cross. We short time continue on a cart track, and then blazes point us to the right on a relatively steep footpath which continues through the forest. Higher, the path turns a little to the left and it brings us out of the forest on a grassy slope, on which we diagonally ascend to the mountain hut Dom na Mirni gori.
On the way: Kleč (645m), Škrilj (860m)
Trip can be extended to: Mirna gora
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