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Zabočevo - Krimšček

Starting point: Zabočevo (400 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.9095°N 14.4008°E 
Destination: Krimšček (940 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy pathless terrain
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 540 m
Altitude difference (by path): 550 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Views: 6,104
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 23
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Vrhnika and we follow the road ahead in the direction of Verd, Bistra, Borovnica and Podpeč. In Borovnica we come to a crossroad, where we continue right in the direction of Pekel. Relatively narrow road we follow ahead in the direction of Brezovica pri Borovnici, but only to a spot, where signs for village Zabočevo point us to the left. The road soon brings us in the mentioned village, and we follow it a little further to mountain signposts for Rakitna. We park on one of the parking lots by the road.
Path description:
From the starting point, by which there is also a warning sign, that we are entering the bear area we go on a footpath in the direction of Rakitna. The path at first leads on a wide cart track which after good 10 minutes of a moderate ascent brings us to a smaller clearing, where there is also poorly marked crossing.
Rare and occasionally quite faded blazes here point us to the right on a bit steeper cart track which is then still ascending diagonally. The path higher brings us to a forest road which we only cross, because signs for Rakitna and Krimšček point us on a cart track which is still ascending through the forest.
The more and more gently sloping path which continues towards the southeast, eventually brings us to a crossing at NOB monument.
We continue straight on a worse forest road (left downwards Rakitna) by which beside the usual we notice also triangular blazes. Higher, we come on an unmarked crossing, where we continue on the left wider cart track, by which continue triangular blazes (here the path with normal blazes turns right). Cart track, which is becoming worse, higher steeply ascends and it brings us out of the forest on grassy slopes, where we also come on a small saddle.
On the saddle, which is situated between Novaška gora on the left and Krimšček on the right we also leave the marked path and we continue the ascent right on at first a poorly visible footpath which higher entirely vanishes. When the footpath vanishes, we continue slightly left and after few steps of pathless ascent, we step on the summit of Krimšček.
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