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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Planica (Paragliding site Gozd) / Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)

Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)

Starting point: Zavetišče v Gozdu (891 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3409°N 14.3281°E 
Time of walking: 5 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 35 m
Altitude difference (by path): 35 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 379
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 10
Access to starting point:
A) We leave Gorenjska highway at exit Kranj west, and then we follow the signs for Golnik and Križe. A little after the settlement Senično steep road branches off to the right upwards, which leads towards Zgornje Vetrno and Gozd. Soon after the village Zgornje Vetrno, we come to a marked parking lot, which is situated on the left side of the road (starting point for steep path on Kriška gora), and we continue driving on an ascending road which soon brings us to the cottage Zavetišče v Gozdu. We park on a parking lot in front of the cottage.
B) From the road Naklo - Tržič, in the settlement Retnje, we turn on the road in the direction of Križe and Golnik. In Križe, at the stop sign we turn right towards Golnik, on the main road, we drive to a crossroad, where a steep road branches off sharply to the left, which leads towards Zgornje Vetrno and Gozd. Soon after the village Zgornje Vetrno, we come to a marked parking lot, which is situated on the left side of the road (starting point for steep path on Kriška gora), and we continue driving on an ascending road which soon brings us to the cottage Zavetišče v Gozdu. We park on a parking lot in front of the cottage.
Path description:
From Zavetišče v Gozdu we continue on the asphalt road in the direction of Kriška gora, Tolsti vrh, Golnik and Zalog, and from which we go already after few 10 strides right, on a side road in the direction of a vantage point and airfield. At first, we ascend on an asphalt road, from which a beautiful view opens up towards Kriška gora, and the road quickly becomes a macadam and passes into the forest. Follows only a light ascent and the path brings us to Planica or airfield Gozd.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2018 (September).
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)1
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)2
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)3
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)4
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)5
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)6
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)7
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)8
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)9
Zavetišče v Gozdu - Planica (Paragliding site Gozd)10
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