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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami) / Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)

Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)

Starting point: Žetale (326 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.2743°N 15.79171°E 
Time of walking: 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 56 m
Altitude difference (by path): 65 m
Views: 175
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 13
Access to starting point:
We leave Podravska highway at exit Zakl, and then we follow the signs for Žetale. When we get to Žetale, at municipal building we turn left and we park on a settled asphalt parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we return to the main road and next to it we continue in the direction of Rogatec. At the primary school Žetale, at the pedestrian crossing we carefully cross the main road and we continue on a sidewalk to the nearby crossroad, where we go right on a side road, by which there are signs for Donačka gora. On the mentioned road, we walk only for a short time, and then before the nearby house we continue left on a cart track which then ascends diagonally towards the right and through a meadow brings us into the forest. Through the forest follows a shorter ascent and we get to the church of Our Lady of Mercy.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in April 2022.
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)1
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)2
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)3
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)4
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)5
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)6
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)7
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)8
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)9
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)10
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)11
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)12
Žetale - Church of Our Lady of Mercy (Brezje nad Žetalami)13
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