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Mountain ranges / Pohorje, Dravinjske gorice and Haloze / Three crosses on Konjiška gora

Three crosses on Konjiška gora

Country: Slovenia
Elevation: 727 m / 2385 ft
Lat/Lon: °N °E 
Type: saddle
Views: 4,766
Popularity: 36% (2185th place)
Number of pictures: 5
Number of paths: 1
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of saddle:
Three crosses on Konjiška gora are located by the crossroad of numerous paths near the settlement Kamna gora. According to sources they were moved to this place in the year 1979. In the forest, where they were placed before, they were already partly abandoned. Three crosses - Šreklnov, Grahornikov and Bršjakov.
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Three crosses on Konjiška gora Three crosses on Konjiška gora Three crosses on Konjiška gora Three crosses on Konjiška gora Three crosses on Konjiška gora
Žička kartuzija - Three crosses on Konjiška gora1 h 10 mineasy marked way
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