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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Veliki vrh (above Lom) / Široko - Veliki vrh (above Lom) (via Grudnica - on trail Lom is my home)

Široko - Veliki vrh (above Lom) (via Grudnica - on trail Lom is my home)

Starting point: Široko (750 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.13207°N 13.75932°E 
Path name: via Grudnica - on trail Lom is my home
Time of walking: 1 h 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 321 m
Altitude difference (by path): 400 m
Author: zwbgr
Views: 1,730
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 25
Access to starting point:
The starting point is at Tourist farm Široko in Tolminski Lom. In detail are described accesses from the direction of Nova Gorica and Idrija, the access is possible also from the direction Tolmin and via plateau Banjška planota through Kanalski Lom.
A) From Nova Gorica, we follow the signs for Bovec and Tolmin, we drive through Kanal and then we pay attention to the turn-off for Most na Soči (in the direction of Idrija and Ljubljana). We continue driving through the village Kozaršče, in the center of Most na Soči at the crossroad we turn right in the direction of Lom (straight - direction Ljubljana, left - direction Tolmin). When we cross the bridge over the river Idrijca, we continue on a steep local road into a sharp right turn. The road is next 4 kilometers ascending and it brings us to a saddle, where a steep road towards Sveta Gora branches off to the left towards Tourist farm Široko. After a little less than two kilometers of further ascending, we get to the tourist farm, where we look for the parking spot.
B) From the direction Idrija we follow the signs for Tolmin. In the center of Most na Soči at the crossroad we turn sharply left in the direction of Lom (straight - direction Nova Gorica, right - direction Tolmin). When we cross the bridge over the river Idrijca, we continue on a steep local road into a sharp right turn. The road is next 4 kilometers ascending and it brings us to a saddle, where a steep road towards Sveta Gora branches off to the left towards Tourist farm Široko. After a little less than two kilometers of further ascending, we get to the tourist farm, where we look for the parking spot.
Path description:
The path is well marked with signposts and blue-yellow blazes (hiking trail "Lom is my home") and it is undemanding. It mostly runs on a macadam road, below the summit for a short time runs on a cart track and then on a narrower footpath. By the path there are two vantage points with panorama boards (Široko and Ledince), the peak is also panoramic.
When we park at the tourist farm, we can turn to the vantage point above the farm, otherwise we look for the starting point at the end of the road, where the road descends to houses and where there are garbage containers. Here we notice signposts for Ledince, Grudnica and Veliki vrh, which point us on a steep macadam forest road. It is ascending for some time, and then it lightly flattens. On the top of the next longer hill is a crossroad, to the right signs point us to the vantage point Ledince few steps aside and towards Veliki vrh on a direct path. We continue ahead on the road towards Grudnica. On the macadam road, we soon start descending, until we get to Grudnica and the crossroad with an asphalt road. Here we turn slightly right, on the left is cheese cottage Tratar, where the offer homemade cheese and curd. The asphalt road soon ends, and we continue straight, few more strides on flat, and then on a concreted hill steeply upwards. Before this ascent ends, at the left turn we notice on the right side a good cart track, where also a sign point us to. After few more minutes of the steepness, we come on an open meadow, where we continue straight, but our path soon again branches off to the right and upwards on a narrow cart track. This cart track also soon ends for us, because before it descends through the gap in a wall, we go left on a well-beaten narrower footpath.
From here further there aren't any turn-offs, the footpath isn't too steep but the caution is necessary while walking because of roots and larger stones. Just below the summit we run into a bench and information board with theme of the 1st world war, and to the top we have only few meters of ascent. On the top there are also benches and miniature Aljaž turret with an inscription book (we can open it by lifting the cover). We recommend to return on the other side, below the summit we don't go back towards Grudnica, but we turn left. Also in this direction the path is well marked with blazes and signs, and by the path, there are several attractions with info signs. At the crossroad for Breznov v Špilah two variants are possible. A shorter which leads straight brings us to the vantage point Ledince and macadam road Široko - Grudnica. And if we turn far left towards Močilo na Kalu, on the trail »Lom is my home« we can descend to Kanalski Lom and then ascend back to Široko (this extends the path for a good hour and additional 200 meters ascent).
On the way: Razgledna točka Široko (755m)
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