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Brezje - Slivnica

Starting point: Brezje (640 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.8093°N 14.3822°E 
Destination: Slivnica (1114 m)
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 474 m
Altitude difference (by path): 474 m
Map: Snežnik 1:50.000
Views: 16,810
Trip rating: 6 votes
Number of pictures: 28
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Unec and follow the road ahead in the direction of Cerknica. Only few 100 meters before Cerknica we will come on crossroad, where the road towards Begunje and Slivnica branches off to the left. We go on the mentioned road which we follow to the village Begunje pri Cerknici. Here we will at the church of St. Andrej come to a crossroad, where we continue right in the direction of village Brezje. Ahead we cross river Cerkniščica, and the road then starts moderately ascending and only a little further brings us to a crossroad right next to the village Brezje. We continue sharply left and after few meters of additional driving, we get to the church of St. Jurij at Brezje. In the village, there aren't any appropriate parking spots, so it is better to park already a little lower on one of the parking lots by the road.
Path description:
From the church of St. Jurij, we walk through the village, and then we continue the ascent on a narrower macadam road which is barely ascending. After few minutes of easy walking, signs for Slivnica point us to the right, on an occasionally overgrown cart track which then crosses a forest road. After crossing the road, the path returns into the forest and then already after few steps it brings us to a wider road which leads on Slivnica. We follow the mentioned road to the left, and it leads past the Norway spruce (natural sight by the path). A little further, the marked path cuts a right turn and returns on the road right at the left turn. Here is also a smaller crossroad, and we continue on a wider macadam road which we then follow quite some time. After few km of a light ascent, we get to a marked crossroad, where we continue sharply right in the direction of the mountain hut on Slivnica (left hunting cottage). The road which then gradually passes out of the forest on partly grassy slopes, higher brings us to a crossroad, where we continue on the left upper road (right mountain hut on Slivnica 100 meters). The mentioned road, we follow to its end, and then we continue the ascent left on a marked footpath which through a lane of raspberry bushes in few minutes of additional walking brings us on 1114 meters high peak.
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