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Cerknica - Dom na Slivnici

Starting point: Cerknica (580 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.7929°N 14.3673°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 498 m
Altitude difference (by path): 498 m
Map: Snežnik 1:50.000
Views: 58,558
Trip rating: 7 votes
Number of pictures: 24
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Unec and follow the road ahead in the direction of Cerknica. Only few 100 meters before Cerknica we will come on crossroad, where the road towards Begunje and Slivnica branches off to the left. Here we continue straight (not in the direction of Slivnica) on the road which soon brings us in the center of the settlement. When we will drive past bridge over the river Cerkniščica, we need to pay attention, because only a little further road which brings us to our starting point branches off to the left. Approximately 50 meters after discount store Hura, we will on the left side of the road notice signposts for mountain hut Dom na Slivnici, which point us to the left on an ascending road. After a short ascent, we will notice the beginning of the footpath, and on the opposite side of it we park on asphalt parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot at first we cross the road, and then we go on a footpath in the direction of the mountain hut Dom na Slivnici. The path at first gently ascends through a lane of bushes, and then passes into pine forest, where it starts ascending a little steeper. Higher, we cross some forest roads, whereupon the path almost entirely flattens. Next follows few minutes walk through mixed forest and then it joins a worse forest road which we follow only few 10 meters. Further, blazes point us slightly right in lane of bushes, and the path then over a grazing fence brings us on ample grassy slopes of Slivnica. From gentle path, which then leads us over the mentioned grassy slopes, beautiful views are opening up on the ridge of Javorniki and Cerkniško polje with lake Cerkniško jezero. Further, the path passes into a lane of rare pine forest and starts moderately ascending. When we again step out of the forest, in front of us we already notice a mountain hut Dom na Slivnici, to which we have only 5 more minutes of easy walking.
Trip can be extended to: Slivnica ( 10 min)
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