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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Vrše / Kočna - Vrše (čez senožeti)

Kočna - Vrše (čez senožeti)

Starting point: Kočna (660 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4179°N 14.0831°E 
Destination: Vrše (850 m)
Path name: čez senožeti
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 190 m
Altitude difference (by path): 190 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Author: heinz
Views: 1,080
Trip rating: 4 votes
Number of pictures: 35
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Lipce, where we turn left in the direction of Blejska Dobrava and Spodnje Gorje. Soon when we drive past the railway underpass, we are at the next crossroad, where we turn right - Bled, Kočna. At first, a zig-zag road ascends straight towards the west and soon at the left turn reaches the top or settlement Kočna. Our starting point is located on the left side of the road, few meters before the settlement sign. Beacause of continuous line we drive ahead past first houses, where on the right we notice a bus stop. Here we turn around and return back, almost to the turn, where we would descend back into a valley. We stop on a macadam parking lot.
Path description:
From the starting point, we go back on the road towards the settlement. After 250 meters, few meters before the bus stop on the right we go on a narrower side asphalt road on our left, which takes us past few houses uphill. When after the left turn road flattens and loses an asphalt pavement, it brings us on a larger meadow. We continue on a cart track which at first sticks slightly to the left and by the edge of the forest ascends a little. When in short we get to a gate of the pasture, we leave original cart track, we turn right, and on a gentle cart track through the pasture, we continue towards the south. Cart track soon after this brings us into the forest, and past next gate of grazing fence out of the forest on next meadow. We continue here slightly to the left, uphill through a meadow. Still before on this part path turns to the right, it flattens and ascends into a slope, and the latter we leave, and we continue in the same direction (or only slightly to the left) on a meadow for additional few 10 meters uphill, all the way to the forest edge. Here we run into a path, which by crossing of a stream turns right on a slope, which further in ascending short time crosses. A little higher, the path turns sharply left, and the steepness decreases a little. When we step out of the forest, the path is turning right and through a meadow, past remains of small construction site on the left, leads upwards on a slope. After this steepness decreases a little, and our path turns left (right path on Boršt), and after a short ascent, it brings us to the summit of 850 meters high hill Vrše. Here, on the right side we notice a footpath which is descending on the eastern slope. When we descend there few altitude meters towards the valley, from the left joins one more footpath (shortcut from the path "by the ski slope"), and for a short time, we continue descending. We quickly run into a fence behind which is situated hunting cottage. A little lower, on for this settled spot we cross the fence. Near the pleasant cottage we can enjoy a view on Ljubljana basin, on part of Blejska Dobrava, and on Brezniške vasi (so-called) Dežele.
On the way: Žerjavec (805m)
Trip can be extended to: Boršt ( 30 min)
Kočna - Vrše1
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