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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Alničje / Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje (hunting path)

Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje (hunting path)

Starting point: Koroška Bela (RC Kres) (630 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4307°N 14.0982°E 
Destination: Alničje (1145 m)
Path name: hunting path
Time of walking: 1 h 20 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 515 m
Altitude difference (by path): 515 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1 : 50.000
Author: heinz
Views: 1,130
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 58
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Lipce (Jesenice east) and we drive right towards Jesenice. At the first traffic light crossroad (Slovenski Javornik) we turn right in the direction of Lj. Next follows the second crossroad with traffic lights, where we turn left and drive through the railway underpass, and in the next smaller crossroad we go right towards Koroška Bela. We drive past last bus stop (store on the left) in the village. We look for crossroad in the center of the village, where there stands a church memorial. From here we go on the main road through the village, which leads uphill towards the north. After approx 100 meters, on the right we notice bridge, but we drive straight for additional 50 meters, where we run into the left turn-off of the road. We go there, and in uphill we cross one more (Koroška ulica) street and we continue uphill (church lower on the left) all the way to the spot outside of the settlement, where we run into abandoned tennis court (RC Kres).
Path description:
At first chestnut tree by the road (approx 50 meters from the settlement), on the right we notice forest cart track which goes in the direction of back towards the east. We go there and we walk short time to left turn off, at first path similar to the cart track which ascends steeply on a slope. Soon the path narrows in footpath which is in rare zig-zags ascending on the east slope of the hill Gank (secondary peak of Alničje). We soon run into improvised bench, and we continue on the path towards the northeast. Higher, the path flattens a little, and eventually brings us to a crossing, on which we turn left uphill, by slope (right path descends a little). After few steps, we get to a steep grassy slope, which is situated slightly left, and our and the path turns right and it ascends steeper. A little higher forest gets thinner and we walk on a grassy slope. After two zig-zags steepness twice in a row a little decreases, whereupon at the left turn it again moderately to steeply ascends. After this when the path almost flattens, it again ascends a little slightly towards the left, through hazel bushes. After a short grassy part path almost vanishes. Here it turns left on a slope, and a little higher again continues similar as before, namely to the next spot at rotten trees, where in hairpin turns to left (back). After hairpin turn which follows the path is again ascending on a slope towards the right and after some time again brings us to the next (last) double zig zag. Next follows some of crossing of steeper grassy slopes, after this a little hard to follow path in a moderate ascent brings us to the forest. Here continues on approximately same altitude, and soon becomes also easy to follow. This part with a forest covered slopes is quite steep, therefore caution is recommended (in wet dangerous for slipping!) Soon the path brings us out of the forest on grassy saddle below Debelo brdo, where below the spruce on the right are situated bench and box with an inscription book. A view on Julian Alps opens up, if we ascend for few 10 meters on a grassy slope. To visit 1145 meters high peak Alničje we ascend on its ridge, where on the path in few minutes we reach the highest point.
On the way: Gank (850m)
Trip can be extended to: Planina Stamare
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje1
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje2
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje3
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje4
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje5
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje6
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje7
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje8
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje9
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje10
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje11
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje12
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje13
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje14
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje15
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje16
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje17
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje18
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje19
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje20
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje21
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje22
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje23
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje24
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje25
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje26
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje27
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje28
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje29
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje30
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje31
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje32
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje33
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje34
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje35
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje36
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje37
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje38
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje39
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje40
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje41
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje42
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje43
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje44
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje45
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje46
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje47
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje48
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje49
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje50
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje51
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje52
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje53
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje54
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje55
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje56
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje57
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Alničje58
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