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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Storžič / Laško - Storžič (via Javornik)

Laško - Storžič (via Javornik)

Starting point: Laško (740 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3256°N 14.3969°E 
Destination: Storžič (2132 m)
Path name: via Javornik
Time of walking: 4 h 10 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: more demanding
Altitude difference: 1392 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1450 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 59,686
Trip rating: 4 votes
Number of pictures: 30
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Kranj - east, and then we continue driving in the direction of Jezersko. When we get to Preddvor we leave the main road and we continue driving left towards the center of the mentioned settlement, from there we follow the signs for settlement Bašelj. When we get to Bašelj at first at the beginning of the left turn in the direction of straight continues narrower road which leads to the parking lot at log cabin TD Bašelj (in descriptions starting point Bašelj), and from the mentioned crossroad we continue on the main road a good 100 meters to the next crossroad, where we continue right on the road towards Gamsov raj and hamlet Laško. Only about 50 meters ahead we continue on the left road which gradually starts moderately ascending. At the hamlet Laško we again continue left and then the asphalt ends and we continue driving on a steep macadam road which we follow to the parking lot, at the smaller crossroad. At the crossroad, there are situated red hiking signposts.
B) From highway Jesenice - Ljubljana we go to the exit Kranj - zahod and at the first crossroad, we continue left. Further, we drive through the underpass below the highway, and then we get to a roundabout, from where we continue driving in the direction of Golnik. The path ahead leads us through the settlement Mlaka pri Kranju, and at the end of the settlement, we continue right in the direction of the settlement Srakovlje. Next follows driving through Srakovlje, Spodnja Bela, Srednja Bela, Zgornja Bela (in Zgornja Bela we join the road from Preddvor) to Bašelj, where the main road makes long left turn, where in the direction of straight continues narrower road which leads to the parking lot at log cabin TD Bašelj (in descriptions starting point Bašelj), and from the mentioned crossroad we continue on the main road a good 100 meters to the next crossroad, where we continue right on the road towards Gamsov raj and hamlet Laško. Only about 50 meters ahead we continue on the left road which gradually starts moderately ascending. At the hamlet Laško we again continue left and then the asphalt ends and we continue driving on a steep macadam road which we follow to the parking lot, at the smaller crossroad. At the crossroad, there are situated red hiking signposts.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on a steep cart track in the direction of Lovrenc. The steepness soon decreases and the path brings us to a crossing, where the path to the church of St. Lovrenc branches off to the right. We continue on the bottom cart track which again steeply ascends and after 15 minutes of walking from car brings us to the mountain hut Dom na Lovrencu. At the mountain hut, we continue on a path towards Storžič. Already after few steps, the path brings us out of the forest on meadows below the church. Church of St. Lovrenc we reach in few minutes of walking on a meadow. At the church, we go slightly right into the forest, where the cart track in a gentle descent brings us on a small indistinct saddle, where joins the path from a little higher starting point. Ahead we continue in the direction of Storžič still on a cart track which is slightly ascending. Cart track after few minutes changes into a footpath which starts ascending steeply through the forest. After approximately half an hour of walking from the spot when the cart track ends we step out of the forest. Nice views open up on the southern slopes of Storžič. The steepness of the and the path doesn't decrease for additional 30 minutes to a bench at the crossing. Ahead we go left towards Javornik and Poljana (right Kališče). The path ahead crosses the southern slopes of Storžič towards the west with some shorter descents and ascents. After 20 minutes of crossing we come to a crossing in southwest gully of Storžič. On the left we see Planina Javornik (5 minutes), and we go right towards Storžič (po žebu - groove). The path starts ascending by at first narrower gully, which soon widens. The steepness of the path starts increasing, and the path is ascending on steep grassy slopes southwestern gully of Storžič. In the winter time is this part of the path exposed to avalanches. After an hour and fifteen minutes of ascent, the path brings us on a ridge, where a nice view opens up on the eastern side. Here we continue left on the upper slope of Storžič, peak of which we reach in 15 minutes of panoramic walking.
Laško - Javornik 2:15, Javornik - Storžič 1:55.
On the way: Dom na Lovrencu (Bašelj) (860m), Sveti Lovrenc (Bašelj) (892m), Krničarjeva koča na planini Javornik (1390m)
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