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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Cjanovca / Mače - Cjanovca (Mačenska pot and on SE ridge)

Mače - Cjanovca (Mačenska pot and on SE ridge)

Starting point: Mače (600 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3131°N 14.4187°E 
Destination: Cjanovca (1820 m)
Path name: Mačenska pot and on SE ridge
Time of walking: 3 h 35 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1220 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1275 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 22,297
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 50
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Kranj - east, and then we continue driving in the direction of Jezersko. When we get to Preddvor we leave the main road and we continue driving left towards the center of the mentioned settlement, from there we follow the signs for Mače. When we get to Mače, at the marked crossroad we continue right (left Bašelj, straight church of St. Miklavž (church isn't accessible with a car)) and on a narrow road we drive above the village, where there is a larger marked parking lot.
B) From highway Jesenice - Ljubljana we go to the exit Kranj - zahod and at the first crossroad, we continue left. Further, we drive through the underpass below the highway, and then we get to a roundabout, from where we continue driving in the direction of Golnik. The path ahead leads us through the settlement Mlaka pri Kranju, and at the end of the settlement, we continue right in the direction of the settlement Srakovlje. Next follows driving through Srakovlje, Spodnja Bela, Srednja Bela to Zgornja Bela, where we continue right towards Preddvor. In Preddvor we notice signs for Mače, which point us to the left past the primary school on a road which ascends to Mače. When we get to Mače, at the marked crossroad we continue right (left Bašelj, straight church of St. Miklavž (church isn't accessible with a car)) and on a narrow road we drive above the village, where there is a larger marked parking lot.
Path description:
At the end of the parking lot, we will notice blazes, which point us on a wide cart track which is at first ascending gently. Cart track has at the beginning some smaller crossings, and we stick a little to the right and all the time we continue on a marked path. Cart track higher few times ascends steeper for a short time, and then it brings us to signposts, where we continue left in the direction of Hudičev boršt.
At the signposts, we leave the cart track and we continue the ascent on a marked footpath which starts ascending steeper and steeper through more and more dense forest. Higher the forest gets thinner, and the path brings us out of the forest on the more and more panoramic grassy slopes of Zaplata, where in front of us we already see Hudičev boršt. Here the path once again steeply ascends, after that joins a bit wider path, which comes from Kališče or from Mače (option for a descent). Here we continue right and the path already after few steps it brings us to the edge of the forest, where we notice a pleasant well. We continue in the forest and after 3 minutes of additional walking, we get to the cottage in Hudičev boršt.
From the cottage, we continue towards the east on the path which at first for a short time descends, and then passes out of the forest on ample grassy slopes, where in a moderate ascent crosses occasionally pretty steep grassy slopes (mainly in wet dangerous for slipping). After approximately 20 minutes of walking from the cottage path again passes into the forest, where it then continues all the way to a crossing, where the path from Javorov vrh joins, mountain hut Dom Čemšenik and St. Jakob.
We continue left in the direction of Cjanovca and Srednji vrh on the path which starts ascending steeper on and by east ridge of Cjanovca. Higher, the path brings us out of the forest on slopes covered with dwarf pines, and we continue on steeper and in parts very panoramic path. The path, from which beautiful views are opening up on Kočna, Grintovec, Kalški greben and Gorenjska, is slowly turning slightly towards the left. This more and more panoramic and relatively steep path, we then follow all the way to the top of Cjanovca, on which stands bench and smaller cairn.
Mače - Hudičev boršt 1:50, Hudičev boršt - Cjanovca 1:45.
On the way: Zavetišče v Hudičevem borštu (1328m)
Trip can be extended to: Srednji vrh
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