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Mountain ranges / Pohorje, Dravinjske gorice and Haloze / Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo / Ribniška koča - Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo

Ribniška koča - Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo

Starting point: Ribniška koča (1507 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4974°N 15.2555°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: -136 m
Altitude difference (by path): 100 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Views: 21,955
Trip rating: 3 votes
Number of pictures: 38
Access to starting point:
A) From the road Maribor - Dravograd, before the settlement Brezno we turn left in the direction of Podvelka, Ribnica na Pohorju and Ribniška koča. After the bridge over the river Drava we get to Podvelka, and the road further we follow in the direction of Ribnica na Pohorju. After approximately 10 km from the bridge over Drava we get to the center of Ribnica na Pohorju, where we go left. Next follows approximately 8 km of ascent, mostly on the macadam road, to the mountain hut Ribniška koča, where we park.
B) From Dravograd we drive towards Maribor, after Radlje ob Dravi at the roundabout we leave the main road towards Maribor and we continue driving in the direction towards Vuhred, Ribnica na Pohorju and Ribniška koča. After the bridge over the river Drava we get to Vuhred, and the road further we follow in the direction of Ribnica na Pohorju. After approximately 10 km from the bridge over Drava we get to the center of Ribnica na Pohorju, where we go right. Next follows approximately 8 km of ascent, mostly on the macadam road, to the mountain hut Ribniška koča, where we park.
Path description:
From the parking lot in front of Ribniška koča we go on a marked footpath in the direction of Partisan cottage, Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom, Črni vrh and Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo. At first, we are ascending on a cart track, and only a little further we reach a bad macadam road, on which in few steps we get to an artificial lake on Mali Črni vrh, from where a beautiful view opens up, which reaches all the way to Kamnik Savinja Alps.
From Mali Črni vrh we continue in the direction of Kope and we continue on a worse macadam road which on the left side bypasses a fenced private cottage. Further, the road ends and the path leads us on a well-beaten footpath which at first also descends a little, and on an indistinct saddle at the altitude of 1477 meters, slightly to the left the path towards Mislinja branches off, and we continue straight towards Črni vrh and Grmovškov dom. The path ahead is mostly moderately ascending, and we follow the marked path to a marked crossing.
At the crossing, we continue straight towards Grmovškov dom na Kopah (slightly left - Črni vrh 3 minutes), where at first we cross forested slopes of Črni vrh, and a little ahead we leave the forest and a nice view opens up. After a shorter traversing, we join the path which leads via Črni vrh, and we continue slightly right and we start moderately descending. A little further, the path for some time flattens and from the left the path from Mislinja joins.
We continue straight in the direction of Grmovškov dom, and the path gradually passes by a wooden fence, by which it is then for quite some time descending. We are descending on a wider cart track, and when the cart track passes on the inner side of the fence, we continue slightly right on a marked path which still continues along the fence, and for some time it stops descending. Further, we return on a wider cart track which becomes a worse road, and the fence ends. After a transient shorter ascent, then follows a descent to the saddle Pungart, where we reach tourist facilities on Kope, and we go left and we continue to the nearby Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo (in the time of the description it was in renovation).
Description and pictures refer to a condition in October 2022.
On the way: Mali Črni vrh (1533m), Sedlo Pungart (1374m)
Trip can be extended to: Velika Kopa
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