Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo
Elevation: 1371 m / 4498 ft
Type: mountain hut, saddle
Weather forecast:
Views: 500,262
Popularity: 91% (338th place)
Description of mountain hut:
Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo is situated below the saddle Pungart, between Velika Kopa (1542 meters) and less distinct peak Otiše (1416 meters). Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo is also a point of SPP, and from the hut a view opens up a little on the nearby surrounding.
Grmovškov dom is closed for renovation (October 2022), for guests remains open Lukov dom Kope, where they offer benefits with the Mountain Card and where there is also the stamp SPP.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo,
Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom,
Lovrenc na Pohorju,
Lukov dom,
Radlje ob Dravi,
Ribnica na Pohorju,
Rogla (apartments Dandi – Jurgovo),
Rogla (Hotel Natura),
Rogla (Mašin Žaga),
Rogla (Ostruščica),
Slovenj Gradec,
Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu