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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Prestreljenik / Sella Nevea - Prestreljenik (via Rifugio Gilberti)

Sella Nevea - Prestreljenik (via Rifugio Gilberti)

Starting point: Sella Nevea (1170 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3874°N 13.4734°E 
Path name: via Rifugio Gilberti
Time of walking: 4 h 15 min
Difficulty: difficult marked way
Difficulty of skiing: demanding
Altitude difference: 1329 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1350 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Views: 19,903
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 71
Access to starting point:
A) First, we drive to Kranjska Gora, and then we continue driving through the border crossing Rateče into Italy. We drive towards Trbiž / Tarvisio, and then at the beginning of the mentioned town, we turn left in the direction of Bovec. Further, we drive on a regional road towards the border crossing Predel, and we follow the main road to a crossroad near the lake Rabeljsko jezero / Lago del Predil. Here we continue right in the direction of Nevejski preval (V Žlebeh) / Sella Nevea and on an asphalt road, we reach already mentioned saddle. We park on a large parking lot by the bottom station of the cable car, which runs towards the mountain hut Rifugio Gilberti.
B) First, we drive to Bovec, and then we continue driving towards the border crossing Predel, over which we drive in Italy. Next follows a descent to the lake Rabeljsko jezero, after which we leave the main road which leads towards Trbiž and we continue driving left in the direction of Nevejski preval (V Žlebeh). The road then again starts ascending, and we follow it to the already mentioned saddle. We park on a large parking lot by the bottom station of the cable car, which runs towards the mountain hut Rifugio Gilberti.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on a narrow asphalt road which leads us by the hotel Nevea. After approximately 100 meters of walking, we get to a signpost for path number 636, which points us left through a meadow on a marked footpath. The path soon leads in the forest, through which we are further ascending on an old military mule track. Higher the forest is becoming thinner, and the path with more frequent nice views brings us to the ruins of barracks Poviz.
The path ahead is for some time still ascending, and then it brings us to a marked crossing, where we continue right in the direction of the mountain hut Rifugio Gilberti (left saddle Prevala, saddle Vrh Laških brežičev / Sella Robon, Speleološki bivak and Velika Bavha). From the crossing ahead, the path entirely flattens and continues towards the west. Panoramic slopes we cross approximately 20 minutes, and then the path brings us to ski tracks of the ski slope Sella Nevea. We continue slightly left in frost hollow Prevalska ravan (straight mountain hut Rifugio Gilberti 5 minutes), from where we continue on at first gentle ski track. We continue the ascent on a transport road which is ascending parallel with ski track. Higher, the road again joins ski slope, and it ascends among extensive snow fields. Above the snow field "path" ascends even steeper, and then in few minutes of additional walking brings us on a saddle Prevala, where there is national border.
From Prevala we ascend on the right edge of Slovenian ski slope, where already after few steps on the right side we notice the beginning of a marked path which leads towards Prestreljenik and the upper station of the cableway on Kanin (beginning of the path isn't marked). The path ahead at first ascends by the steel cable quite steeply upwards and then fixed safety gear end, and the path is for some time pretty steep and dangerous for slipping. Soon the path turns to the left, where it is at first ascending by old military trench, and then it flattens and crosses a steep and for slipping dangerous slopes. Already after few minutes, the path passes on less steep slopes, on which there is in a moderate ascent ascending towards the saddle Sedlo (saddle between Grdi vršič and Prestreljenik). After approximately half an hour of walking from Prevala we reach the mentioned saddle, and already few 10 meters before that we join ski track (if initial ascent from Prevale seems too dangerous, we can also come to the mentioned saddle on a ski track).
From the saddle Sedlo, where there is also an upper station of 4-seater chairlift Prevala, we notice a big blaze, which points us on the western side of the saddle Sedlo. Here the marked path turns to the right and starts ascending steeply on a steep slope. Higher, the path for some time flattens, and then passes over by the foot of Prestreljenik, where at first it ascends on gravel. The path ahead passes on steep slopes, where it is then ascending diagonally towards the right. Next follows a short ascent over a grassy slope, and the path then passes on entirely rocky terrain, where on some spots we have to help ourselves with hands. Higher, the path brings us on the main ridge, where we get some help from damaged fixed safety gear. The path then slightly flattens and in few 10 strides of additional walking brings us on a panoramic peak.
On the way: Rifugio Gilberti mountain hut (1850m), Prevala (2067m), Sedlo (2282m)
Trip can be extended to: Prestreljenik
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