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Mountain ranges / Carnic Alps / Obere Wolayeralm / Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm

Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm

Starting point: Untere Wolayeralm (1218 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.6422°N 12.8653°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 491 m
Altitude difference (by path): 491 m
Views: 2,171
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 12
Access to starting point:
Over the border crossing Korensko sedlo we descend in Austria, and there in first larger crossroad we continue left in the direction of village Podklošter / Arnoldstein. In the mentioned village, we will get to a roundabout, where we continue right in the direction of "Hermagor". Further, we drive on a wide road which leads us through the valley Gailtal. At the settlement Mauthen we continue left in the direction of the mountain pass Plöckenpass, and after few 100 meters right in the direction of valley Lesachtal. Further, we drive on narrower and quite winding road which we follow to the spot, where a road branches off to the left towards the village Wodmaier. The road soon above the village loses an asphalt covering, and in the next crossroads, we follow it in the direction of the lake Wolayer See. This very bad and occasionally quite steep road, we then follow to the parking lot on the mountain pasture Untere Wolayeralm.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue on for traffic closed forest road which soon starts ascending steeper. Considerably panoramic and zig zag road higher brings us to a nice waterfall Hildenfall.
After waterfall road passes into a lane of thin forest and a little higher flattens, crosses a grazing fence and after few minutes of additional walking brings us to the mountain pasture Obere Wolayeralm, on which stands a little larger shepherd hut (to here we need 1.5 hours).
Trip can be extended to: The lake Wolayer See ( 45 min) , Rauchkofel (2 h 15 min)
Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm1
Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm2
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Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm5
Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm6
Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm7
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Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm9
Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm10
Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm11
Untere Wolayeralm - Obere Wolayeralm12
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