Elevation: 890 m / 2920 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 369,771
Popularity: 79% (750th place)
Description of mountain:
Golič is a grassy ridge, which is spreading from Kojnik to Slovenian-Croatian border and continues in the ridge of Žbevnica on Croatian side. Because of relatively long accesses is poorly visited and this gives it also its charm. On first peak of the ridge from north-west is placed a "cross" with an inscription book. Next hill is the highest peak Golič (890 meters), follows Nadglavinjak (888 meters), which is the last peak in the ridge, which is entirely on the Slovenian side.
From enitre ridge nice view opens up on Istra, sea, Snežnik and of course neighbor Slavnik. In nice weather we can see also Dolomites and western part of Julian Alps.
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