Elevation: 1522 m / 4993 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 564,937
Popularity: 94% (208th place)
Description of mountain:
Košenjak is located north from Dravograd and river Drava on the border with the neighbouring Austria.
Access to the mountain hut Dom na Košenjaku is possible on foot or with a car from Dravograd. With a car we can drive ahead 6.5 km to the church of St. John the Baptist on Ojstrica. The access to the hut on Košenjak is possible also from the church of St. John the Baptist - on a macadam road. From the church of St. John the Baptist on Ojstrica we have 30 minutes on foot to the hut on Košenjak with a nice view towards the south side towards Pohorje, Uršlja gora-Plešivec, Peca, Raduha and there forward towards Kamnik-Savinja Alps. From the hut on Košenjak to the top the path leads us through the forest around one hours of walking. If we go on foot from Dravograd we will to the top need around 3 to 4 hours of walking. Košenjak is a mountain, which is appropriate for walks and for gaining fitness.
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