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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Planina Stamare / Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare (Gajškova pot)

Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare (Gajškova pot)

Starting point: Koroška Bela (RC Kres) (630 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4307°N 14.0982°E 
Path name: Gajškova pot
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 770 m
Altitude difference (by path): 770 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1 : 50.000
Author: heinz
Views: 4,923
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 44
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Lipce and we drive right towards Jesenice. At the first traffic light crossroad (Slovenski Javornik) we drive right in the direction of Lj. Next follows the second crossroad with traffic lights, where we turn left and drive through the railway underpass, and in the next smaller crossroad we go right towards Koroška Bela. We drive past last bus stop (store on the left) in the village. We look for crossroad in the center of the village, where there stands a church memorial. From here we go on the main road through the village, which goes barely noticeably uphill towards the north. After approx 100 meters, on the right we notice bridge, but we drive straight for additional 50 meters, where we run into the left turn-off of the road. We go there, and in uphill we cross one more (Koroška ulica) street and we continue (church lower on the left) all the way to the spot outside of the settlement, where we run into abandoned tennis court (RC Kres).
Path description:
From the starting point, we go on the right path (cart track) uphill, where we run into blazes. By the second right turn we notice a gate (quarry), and we continue by the hill, past the abandoned quarry on the left in the forest, where the path gently runs at first straight, and later it starts winding. When we come to a crossing, on a tree we notice a signpost, which points us left downwards towards the gully with a stream. Here we run into a large pile of remains of the landslide, in front of which we cross the mentioned stream and we turn left uphill, where the path becomes a little narrower. We for some time walk through mixed, partly thinner forest, and we cross one more gully with a stream. When we find ourselves in wider area of the forest (not on the slope), blazes point us to the right uphill, where the path almost vanishes. Towards the top of this mentioned ascent, signs point us left, where the path soon at first flattens and then also descends towards the third small stream, which we cross. After this forest space opens a little, and from the left joins an ascending cart track (on the right fenced smaller meadow). We continue uphill on a cart track which soon brings us to a crossing, where we leave the marked path, and we turn right uphill (straight Pristava). Eventually to our wide cart track from the left joins the marked path Dom Pristava - Valvazor (at worn out metal signposts). We continue on a cart track which runs uphill and at first turns a little to the left, later towards the summit also right. When the steepness decreasing, we come to cutted part of the path, where it is turning to the left. Here towards the southeast a view opens up on the west slope of Alničje. When after few meters the path splits, we continue left following the blazes. Soon steepness decreases and for some time we walk on winding gentle path through the forest. When left above the path we notice rocks, we cross the stream and blazes point us left again uphill (straight Alničje). After a shorter steeper ascent, the path brings us into a valley between Velika Boncla and Debelo Brdo on the right, where on the path uphill we follow the blazes in the direction of east. When the path flattens, it brings us on a saddle with a crossing, where we continue following the blazes left (right Alničje). We soon get to a clearing, where the path ascends again and eventually it brings us to a forest road on 1270 meters (vicinity of the mountain pasture Olipova planina). Here we go on the road to the left to its end, where we will on the right notice a barely visible footpath uphill towards the north. When we ascend there and it vanishes, we turn to the left through a wide clearing (slide from Kamnitnik (in the winter unrecommended)) towards the forest, by the edge of which we walk 100 meters uphill, whereupon we notice a path, which runs to the left through the forest. It brings us to a stream which we cross, and next to it we ascend uphill towards the mountain pasture. We run into a wooden bridge, and first cottage on the left (behind it a viewpoint). When we step on the forest road, after few 10 meters it brings us on a sunny mountain pasture Stamare, with a shepherd and hunting cottage.
On the way: Alničje (1145m)
Trip can be extended to: Hrašenska planina , Bivak na Belščici , Kamnitnik , Potoški Stol , Weinasch/Vajnež
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare1
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare2
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare3
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare4
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare5
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare6
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare7
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare8
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare9
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare10
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare11
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare12
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare13
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare14
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare15
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare16
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare17
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare18
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare19
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare20
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare21
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare22
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare23
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare24
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare25
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare26
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare27
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare28
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare29
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare30
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare31
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare32
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare33
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare34
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare35
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare36
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare37
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare38
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare39
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare40
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare41
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare42
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare43
Koroška Bela (RC Kres) - Planina Stamare44
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