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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Potoški Stol / Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Potoški Stol

Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Potoški Stol

Starting point: Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom (1181 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.426°N 14.1468°E 
Time of walking: 3 h 5 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 833 m
Altitude difference (by path): 950 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 10,730
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 46
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Lesce and follow the road ahead in the direction of Žirovnica and Jesenice. After few km of driving, we will get to a crossroad, where the road in Žirovnica and Moste branches off to the right (from the direction of Jesenice left). Only few meters ahead in the next crossroad, we turn left in Moste (right Žirovnica). Further, we drive past a monument to fallen soldiers, where the road starts ascending on a hill below the railway track. On top of the slope, we turn right (at the sign Vila Karin), and then drive towards the lake Završniško jezero and Valvasorjev dom. The road then flattens and it brings us to a crossroad, where the road to Valvasorjeve dom branches off to the left. We go on the mentioned road (straight mountain hut Koča pri izviru Završnice), that starts to at first gently, and then steeper and steeper ascending on an occasionally quite rough road (the most steep parts are paved with asphalt). Higher, the road brings us to a little bigger crossroad, where we continue left in the direction of Potoška planina (right Doslovška planina). The road then flattens and a little further brings us to the next crossing. This time we continue slightly right in the direction of the mountain hut Valvasorjev dom (slightly left Ajdna and Potoška planina) and we drive again on a steeper road all the way to the mentioned hut. We park on one of the parking lots by the road near the mountain hut, parking in front of the mountain hut there is only for guests.
From Poljane (crossroad before the lake Završniško jezero) to Valvasorjev dom is 5 km.
Path description:
From Valvasorjev dom we go right on a footpath in the direction of Stol. The path soon goes into the forest, where it slightly ascends and it brings us to a smaller crossing, where we continue right. The path then brings us out of the forest, where crosses slopes below Monštranca. This gentle path, which a little further crosses a short lane of a forest we follow to a crossing on Žirovniška planina.
We continue left in the direction of »Stol - Žirovniška pot« (slightly right Stol Zabreška pot) on the path which only a little higher passes into a dense forest, where we continue next 10 minutes. Forest then gets thinner, and the path passes among bushes, through which it then ascends all the way until we get in the next lane of a forest. When we again step into the forest, we will get to a pile of logs and a sign above them, which "asking", that if we can, carry one of them to the mountain hut Prešernova koča. A little further, we step out of the forest, by the edge of which we are then ascending steeper. Higher, the path turns a little to the left and crosses a short slightly exposed grassy slope. The path then for a short time slightly flattens and it brings us to a pleasant resting place, from which a nice view opens up on Gorenjska.
The path ahead is again steeply ascending, this time on a slope, which is mostly covered with dwarf pines. Higher, the path is turnning slightly to the right and from dwarf pines brings us on grassy slopes, where we also come on a less noticeable crossing.
At the mentioned crossing, we leave the path which leads towards the mountain hut Prešernova koča and we continue the ascent slightly left into a small valley between the both peaks of Stol. After a short ascent, we reach the mentioned small valley, and the path brings us to a marked crossing at the intermittent well. Here we continue left in the direction of Golica (straight Stol) and we gradually start descending on the other side of an already mentioned small valley. A little lower we reach the ridge, which connects Stol with Potoški Stol. We continue on and by a panoramic ridge, at first still a little downwards. Next follows a short ascent and the path brings us to a wooden cross and few 10 meters further also to the top of Potoški Stol.
On the way: Žirovniška planina (1200m)
Trip can be extended to: Weinasch/Vajnež ( 25 min) , Hochstuhl/Stol
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Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Potoški Stol41
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Potoški Stol42
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Potoški Stol43
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Potoški Stol44
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Potoški Stol45
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Potoški Stol46
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