Triglavski dom na Kredarici
Elevation: 2515 m / 8251 ft
Type: peak, mountain hut, church
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Views: 734,621
Popularity: 98% (69th place)
Description of mountain:
Triglavski dom na Kredarici is the highest Slovenian mountain hut. It's open throughout the year but in the of season only partially (meteorologists). From the hut is a nice view towards Mali Triglav and Triglav and disappearing glacier below it. Zeleni sneg (green snow) as the glacier is named in measurements years ago measured less than a hectare. The view is nice also on other peaks. In the summer time sheeps are grazing in the surroundings of Kredarica. By the hut stands also the highest meteorological observatory in Slovenia. The mountain hut is getting electricity with the help of solar cells and two wind power plants. By the hut also stands a chapel where every Sunday in August is a holy mass.
Surroundings within radius of
Begunjski vrh (2461m),
Cesar (2098m),
Dom Planika (2401m),
Dom Valentina Staniča (2332m),
Glava v Zaplanji (2556m),
Kredarica (2541m),
Mali Triglav (2725m),
Morbegna (2520m),
Planina Zgornja Krma (1720m),
Rjavec (2571m),
Rž (2538m),
Triglav (2864m),
Visoka Vrbanova špica (2408m),
Vrh Snežne konte (2342m)
Webcams in radius of
Blejska koča na Lipanci,
Bohinjska Bistrica,
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Koča na Gozdu,
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Kranjska Gora,
Kranjska Gora (Podkoren (rotating webcam)),
Kranjska Gora (Podkoren),
Kranjska Gora (rotating webcam),
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Poštarski dom na Vršiču,
Poštarski dom na Vršiču (rotating webcam),
Triglav glacier,
Triglavski dom na Kredarici,
Zasavska koča na Prehodavcih,
Zgornji Goreljek (Pokljuka)